VCF Requirements
PharmCAT expects incoming VCF files to follow the official VCF spec. PharmCAT only requires CHROM, POS, REF, ALT, and FORMAT/GT columns in a VCF file. Optional FORMAT/AD and INFO/END fields, when present, will be used for quality assurance checks.
In addition, PharmCAT expects incoming VCF to have the following properties:
- Build version must be aligned to the GRCh38 assembly (aka
, etc.). - Any position not in the input VCF is assumed to be a "no call". Missing positions will not be interpreted as reference. You must specify all positions in the input VCF that you want to be considered.
- Use a parsimonious, left aligned variant representation format.
- Have insertions and deletions normalized to the expected representation.
- The
field must be in the format chr##. - The
columns are not interpreted. It is left to the user to remove data not meeting quality criteria before passing it to PharmCAT.
Variant Representation Format
To avoid ambiguity in variant representation, PharmCAT uses a parsimonious, left-aligned variant representation format (as discussed in Unified Representation of Genetic Variants by Tan, Abecasis, and Kang).
Insertions & Deletions
PharmCAT expects deletions to be represented with an "anchoring" base at the beginning of the REF
sequence and then the anchoring base to also appear in the ALT
sequence. For example, the following shows a deletion of AGAAATGGAA
chr10 94942212 . AAGAAATGGAA A . PASS desired-deletion-format GT 0/1
as opposed to the unwanted format:
chr10 94942212 . AGAAATGGAA . . PASS do-not-want GT 0/1
If the REF is a single letter it means no variant was found, so it's safe to replace it with the appropriate nucleotide string.
Similarly, PharmCAT expects to find insertions with a reference base REF="A" ALT="ATCT"
. For example, here's an insertion of A
chr7 99652770 rs41303343 T TA . PASS desired-insertion-format GT 0/1
Preparing VCF Files
We highly recommend that you use PharmCAT's VCF Preprocessor to prepare your VCF files for use by PharmCAT.
If you'd like to prepare your VCF yourself, the rest of this document explores the reasoning behind our requirements and some specific examples of fulfilling them.
Must be aligned to GRCh38 Assembly
PharmCAT requires VCF files aligned to GRCh38.
We recommend aligning to GRCh38 from the very beginning - for example, see our pharmacogenomics NGS pipeline.
While you can translate positions between assemblies, this can easily introduce errors into your data. For example, LiftOver can be problematic due to ambiguity in positions. In addition, many tools won't update the genotype.
Known issue with remapping
If you use CrossMap it will update the position and reference nucleotides. However, if the reference is now the same as the alternate, it will remove the variant from the file.
Likewise, NCBI Remap will not update genotypes, so even if the updated position means the variant should now be called as 0/0 it will not be updated from 1/1. Presently there are only a few positions where this matters, but this will need to be very carefully checked.
Another issue with NCBI remap is that some alternates can be lost following remap. For instance:
Pre LiftOver: 2 234668879 rs57191451 CAT C,CATAT,CATATAT 0/3
Post LiftOver: 2 233760233 rs57191451 CAT CATAT,CATATAT 0/3
We currently do not have a fix for this (NCBI has been contacted), so again you will have to check these sites carefully by hand.
Example: LiftOver using the GATK
This is a GRCh37-toGRCh38 LiftOver example which uses the GATK LiftoverVcf tool on the UK Biobank genotype data in the GRCh37 coordinates. The GATK LiftoverVcf tool can update genomic coordinates. If the reference allele and alternate allele are swapped in the new genome build for a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) locus, the GATK LiftoverVcf can reverse-complement the SNP, update the relevant genotypes (GT), and correct AF-like INFO fields. Due to the length of the example, we host the example with detailed explanations on Google Drive.
Note: this example is not meant to be a comprehensive documentation of solutions to all LiftOver issues. LiftOver may require additional data cleaning or preparation steps that are specific to your genomic data.
Must have all allele-defining positions
All positions that are used to define alleles in PharmCAT must be present in the VCF file you want to run through PharmCAT, even if they are 0/0
(reference) or ./.
(missing). This is different from a typical VCF file which usually only contains variant sites.
PharmCAT needs this level specificity because reference and missing alleles are interpreted differently by the allele matcher. When positions are missing from the input PharmCAT does not make assumptions about whether this is because they are reference or missing.
The following is an exemplary GATK command for generating VCF:
# gatk --java-options "-Xmx4g" HaplotypeCaller \
--alleles pharmcat_positions.vcf -R grc38.reference.fasta -I input.bam -O output.vcf \
-L pharmcat_positions.vcf -ip 20 --max-mnp-distance 1 --output-mode EMIT_ALL_ACTIVE_SITES
The pharmcat_positions.vcf
file is available on the PharmCAT release page on GitHub.
Please refer to the HaplotypeCaller documentation for details and tuning options.
Must normalize variant representation
Variant representation is an ongoing problem in NGS (related article). For example, the following vcf lines all specify the same variant with different formats:
chr7 117548628 . GTTTTTTTA GTTTTTA . PASS CFTR:5T GT 0/1
chr7 117548628 . GTT G . PASS CFTR:5T GT 0/1
chr7 117548628 . G . . PASS CFTR:5T GT 0/1
chr7 117548628 . G(T)7A G(T)5A . PASS CFTR:5T GT 0/1
Different NGS pipelines, the way files are created (for instance if a multisample file is split), and post-processing software tools all lead to these differences. As PharmCAT is directly matching these strings to what is in the definition files this can cause problems. For example, PharmCAT expects to find deletions as the ref="ATCT" alt="A", rather than ref="TCT" alt=".". Therefore, you will need to replace all the deletions within in the file. If the ref is a single letter it means no variant was found, so it's safe to replace it with the appropriate nucleotide string.
To avoid ambiguity in variant representation, PharmCAT uses a parsimonious, left-aligned variant representation format (as discussed in Unified Representation of Genetic Variants by Tan, Abecasis, and Kang).
We recommend performing this normalization with bcftools:
# bcftools norm -m+ -c ws -Oz -o output.vcf -f grc38.reference.fasta input.vcf
joins biallelic sites into multiallelic records (+)-f <ref_seq_fasta>
is the reference sequence. This flag is required for normalization-c ws
when incorrect or missing REF allele is encountered, warn (w) and set/fix(s) bad sites
Please consult the bcftools documentation for details.
Alternatively, you can use PharmCAT's VCF Preprocessor, which also relies on bcftools for this.
It is highly recommended that you always check the output files from these tools manually to make sure the correct format normalizations have been made.
field must be in the format chr##
PharmCAT expects the CHROM
field to have entries that begin with "chr" (e.g. chr1
instead of just 1
PharmCAT's VCF Preprocessor takes care of this issue by automatically detecting and updating the CHROM
field format.
field format can be updated using the following command:
# perl -pe '/^((?!^chr).)*$/ && s/^([^#])/chr$1/gsi' merged_output.vcf > merged_output.chrfixed.vcf
columns are not interpreted
PharmCAT considers all variants in your file, even if they fail filters.
If you use a tool like VSQR you can use the following Perl one-liner to change the genotype to 0/0 if necessary:
# perl -pe '/^((?!PASS).)*$/ && /^((?!0\/0).)*$/ && /^((?!0\|0).)*$/ && s/[0-9][\/|][0-9]/0|0/' merged_output.vcf > merged_output_pass.vcf