Outside Call Format

Typically, PharmCAT uses variant call data to match diplotypes used to find annotations. However, you can also give diplotypes, phenotypes or other allele calls to PharmCAT that were called by other tools.

These outside call files can be supplied to the PharmCAT tool using the -po flag.

Calls specified in this file will override results from the Named Allele Matcher.

File format

The outside call file format is a tab-separated file. Lines starting with # will be ignored.

Each line has up to 4 fields, separated by tabs:

  1. HGNC gene symbol (required)
  2. Diplotype or single allele call (required if third and fourth columns are not specified)
  3. Phenotype or another gene result (required if second and fourth columns are not specified)
  4. Activity score (required if second and third columns are not specified)

The second, third and fourth fields can be used individually or together.

Different genes on different lines can mix whether they give the diplotype, phenotype or activity values.

Activity score genes

For activity score genes, a provided activity score value will trump other values. If you also provide diplotype and/or phenotype value, a warning will be issued if they do not match the expected values. For example, if you specify a *1/*6 diplotype and 4.0 activity score, a warning will be issued because CPIC expects an activity score of 1.0 for *1/*6.

If you don't specify an activity score, PharmCAT will look up the activity score based on the phenotype (if provided) and then diplotype (if phenotype is not provided). Once again, PharmCAT will issue a warning if both phenotype and diplotype are provided, and they do not match the expected values.

Non-activity score genes

For non-activity score genes, the activity score is ignored (although it may be displayed in the final report).

If you specify both a diplotype and a phenotype, then PharmCAT will rely on your phenotype. PharmCAT will issue a warning if your phenotype does not match the expected phenotype for the given diplotype.


Here's an example of an outside call file:

CYP2D6	*1/*3
CYP2C9			2.0
HLA-B		*57:01 positive
MT-RNR1	1555A>G


  • the HLA-B line has two tabs between the gene name and the gene result (*57:01 positive)
  • the MT-RNR1 line specifies a single allele call since that gene is monoploid


We rely on string matching to match outside calls to recommendations.

Consult the Phenotypes List for a complete list of named alleles, phenotypes and activity scores.

Prefixing allele names with the gene symbol in the second field (e.g. CYP2C9*1/CYP2C9*3) is not necessary. The gene is specified in the first field so repeating it in second field is not necessary. Prefixed gene symbols will be stripped from the allele names.

If there is an outside call for a gene that also has data from the VCF, the outside call will trump the VCF data.


Named allele matching in diplotypes/single allele calls should be fairly straightforward.

If the call is a combination call (e.g. [*2 + *3]), it needs to use PharmCAT's combination syntax: it has to be wrapped in square brackets ([ and ]) and each named allele must be separated with a plus sign with a space on either side ( + ). More examples: *1/[*6 + *8], [*3 + *4 + *5]/[*18 + *37].

PharmCAT will automatically convert named alleles into a format usable by PharmCAT based on existing conventions for CYP2D6, HLA-A and HLA-B. For example:

  • HLA-B *07:02:01:127 will be truncated to *07:02
  • CYP2D6 *4.024 will be truncated to *4
Gene copy number

PharmCAT relies on CPIC or PharmVar gene definitions. CYP2D6 is the only gene with copy numbers defined in these resources. Furthermore, PharmCAT only recognizes copy number variations that have a function assignment from CPIC. Consult the CYP2D6 phenotypes list for the full list. These alleles are part of the CPIC diplotype to phenotype translation and can be connected to a corresponding recommendation. Some copy number variations (e.g. for *1, *2 and *4) over 3 are combined in a single bin (≥3). So if you have *1x3 or *1x5, you will need to translate that to *1≥3.

PharmCAT will automatically attempt to translate your CYP2D6 copy number variation into a matching CPIC copy number variation if possible.

IMPORTANT: PharmCAT expects files encoded in UTF-8. This is particularly important when it comes to the "≥" signs that are used in copy number names.


When providing phenotypes, you will need to use CPIC standardized terms, although we do provide some interpretation:

  1. We automatically normalize spelling (e.g. "metabolizer" instead of "metaboliser") and capitalization.
  2. We will translate common synonyms:
    • PM = Poor Metabolizer
    • IM = Intermediate Metabolizer
    • NM = Normal Metabolizer
    • EM = Normal Metabolizer
    • UM = Ultrarapid Metabolizer

    Note that CPIC uses "normal" instead of "extensive", so the translation from "EM" above to "Normal Metabolizer" is not a mistake.

  3. We will try to extract the main phenotypes above if possible. For example, "CYP2D6 Ultrarapid Metabolizers (UM)" becomes "Ultrarapid Metabolizer".
  4. Some CPIC standardized terms for phenotypes include modifiers such as "likely" or "possible". We retain these modifiers. For example, "likely cyp2c19 poor metaboliser" becomes "Likely Poor Metabolizer".

Activity Scores

String matching also applies to activity scores. PharmCAT only recognizes CPIC assigned activity scores. For example, one possible CPIC activity score for CYP2D6 is "≥6.0". If you provide "7.0", this will result in a no call. Similarly, if CPIC defines activity scores of "0.0" and "0.25", and you provide "0.1", this will also result in a no call.

PharmCAT is managed at Stanford University & University of Pennsylvania (NHGRI U24HG013077).