Examples of VCF Variant Normalization

This page contains examples of different variant representations in VCF and how they should be normalized for PharmCAT using a parsimonious, left-aligned variant representation format.

To verify that the normalization is works as expected, you should be able to concatenate the different examples of VCF records into a single VCF file and run it against the VCF Preprocessor.

VCF Header

This is the header you will need for the VCF file.

##source=PharmCAT allele definitions
##FORMAT=<ID=AD,Number=R,Type=Integer,Description="Allelic depths for the ref and alt alleles in the order listed">
##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Approximate read depth (reads with MQ=255 or with bad mates are filtered)">
##FORMAT=<ID=FT,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Genotype filters.">
##FORMAT=<ID=GQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Genotype Quality">
##FORMAT=<ID=PL,Number=G,Type=Integer,Description="Phred-scaled genotype Likelihoods">
##FORMAT=<ID=MIN_DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Minimum DP observed within the GVCF block.">
##FORMAT=<ID=VAF,Number=A,Type=Float,Description="Variant allele fractions.">
##contig=<ID=chr1,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr2,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr3,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr4,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr5,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr6,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr7,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr8,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr9,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr10,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr11,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr12,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr13,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr14,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr15,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr16,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr17,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr18,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr19,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr20,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr21,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chr22,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chrX,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chrY,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##contig=<ID=chrM,assembly=GRCh38.p13,species="Homo sapiens">
##INFO=<ID=POI,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Position of Interest but not part of an allele definition">
##INFO=<ID=AC,Number=A,Type=Integer,Description="Allele count in genotypes">
##INFO=<ID=AN,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total number of alleles in called genotypes">
##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">
##FILTER=<ID=PCATxREF,Description="Reference allele does not match PharmCAT reference alleles">
##FILTER=<ID=PCATxALT,Description="Alternate alleles do not match PharmCAT alternate alleles">
##FILTER=<ID=PCATxINDEL,Description="Unexpected format for INDELs">

Chromosome names

Alternate format:

1	97078987	rs114096998	G	T	.	PASS	.	GT	0/0


chr1	97078987	rs114096998	G	T	.	PASS	.	GT	0/0

Homozygous reference SNPs with unspecified ALT

Alternate format:

chr1	97078993	rs148799944	C	.	.	PASS	.	GT	0/0
chr1	97079005	rs140114515	C	<*>	.	PASS	.	GT	0/0


chr1	97078993	rs148799944	C	G	.	PASS	.	GT	0/0
chr1	97079005	rs140114515	C	T	.	PASS	.	GT	0/0

Left-alignment for a tandem repeat INDELs

Note that the ALT allele is updated after left-alignment.

Alternate format:

chr1	97740414	rs72549309	AATGA	A	.	PASS	.	GT	1/0


chr1	97740410	rs72549309	GATGA	G	.	PASS	.	GT	1/0

Multi-allelic INDELs

For a genomic position that harbors multiple pharmacogenetic INDELs, all pharmacogenetic INDEL variants should be combined into a multiallelic record.

Alternate format:

chr2	233760233	rs3064744	C	CAT	.	PASS	.	GT	1/0
chr2	233760233	rs3064744	CAT	C	.	PASS	.	GT	0/0
chr2	233760233	rs3064744	C	CATAT	.	PASS	.	GT	0/1


chr2	233760233	rs3064744	CAT	CATAT,CATATAT,C	.	PASS	.	GT	1/2

Prioritizing pharmacogenetic variant(s) over non-pharmacogenetic ones at a multiallelic locus

Note that the pharmacogenetic SNP is reordered before the INDEL that is located at the same genomic position.

Alternate format:

chr7	117509035	.	GA	G	.	PASS	.	GT	0/0
chr7	117509035	.	G	A	.	PASS	.	GT	0/1


chr7	117509035	rs397508256	G	A	.	PASS	.	GT	0/1
chr7	117509035	.	GA	G	.	PCATxREF	.	GT	0/0

Left-alignment for long INDELs

Note that the ALT allele is updated after left-alignment.

Alternate format:

chr10	94942212	rs1304490498	AAGAAATGGAA	A	.	PASS	.	GT	1/0


chr10	94942205	rs1304490498	CAATGGAAAGA	C	.	PASS	.	GT	1/0

Warning for unexpected INDEL format

In this instance, chr10:94949281 is homozygous reference. There is no sufficient information to infer genotypes for a pharmacogenetic INDEL chr10:94949281:GA:G at this position. A warning should be listed. And the pharmacogenetic variant should be reported as missing.

Alternate format:

chr10	94949281	.	G	.	.	PASS	.	GT	0/0


chr10	94949281	.	G	.	.	PCATxINDEL	.	GT	0/0

Prioritizing pharmacogenetic variants at positions that have both SNP(s) and INDEL(s)

!! need to double check

Note that pharmacogenetic INDELs should be listed ahead of the non-pharmacogenetic SNPs. Information of other alternative alleles need to be completed so that the variant representation format matches the format that PharmCAT expects.

Alternate format:

chr13	48037782	.	A	C,<*>	.	PASS	.	GT	0/0
chr13	48037782	rs746071566	AGGAGTC	A,<*>	.	PASS	.	GT	0/0


chr13	48037782	rs746071566	AGGAGTC	AGGAGTCGGAGTC,A	.	PASS	.	GT	0/0
chr13	48037782	rs746071566	A	C	.	PASS	.	GT	0/0
chr13	48037782	rs746071566	AGGAGTC	<*>	.	PCATxINDEL	.	GT	0/0

Filling up multiallelic SNPs

If a SNP position is present in the VCF while the exact pharmacogenetic allele is not present, there is sufficient information to infer that the specific pharmacogenetic alleles are not present in the VCF. It should be safe to add back the pharmacogenetic alleles back to the VCF. Bcftools should probably adjust the genotypes after the alleles are added back.

Alternate format:

chr19	38448712	rs121918592	G	A,<*>	.	PASS	.	GT	1/0
chr19	40991381	rs33973337	A	T	.	PASS	.	GT	1/0


chr19	38448712	rs121918592	G	A,C	.	PASS	.	GT	1/0
chr19	40991381	rs33973337	A	C,T	.	PASS	.	GT	2/0

Prioritizing pharmacogenetic variants over non-pharmacogenetic variants

This is similar to instance 4 but observed in actual UK Biobank dataset

Alternate format:

chrX	154532608	.	C	CG,<*>	0	RefCall	.	0/0
chrX	154532608	.	C	T,<*>	0	PASS	.	0/0
chrX	154532608	.	CG	C,<*>	0	RefCall	.	0/0


chrX	154532608	.	C	T	0	RefCall	.	0/0
chrX	154532608	.	C	CG	0	RefCall	.	0/0
chrX	154532608	.	CG	<*>	0	PCATxREF	.	0/0

PharmCAT is managed at Stanford University & University of Pennsylvania (NHGRI U24HG013077).